Managing Your Spotify Canvas Videos
After rendering your Spotify Canvas videos using Tuneform, you can manage and perform various actions on them through the "My Media" page. Here's what you can expect:
Downloading Videos:
- On the "My Media" page, your videos will be displayed in a table format.
- Each video entry includes a thumbnail, a download link, and the style used to create the video.
- To download a video, click on the respective download link.
Accessing Creation Page:
- If you want to create another video with different inputs using the same style, click on the style name.
- This action will reopen the creation page for that particular style.
Video Details:
- The table also provides information about the date each video was created.
- Clicking the "Show Details" button will open a new page dedicated to that specific video.
- This page allows you to play back the video, access its download link, and view information such as dimensions, duration, and creation date.
Deleting Videos:
- On the video details page, you have the option to delete the video from your account if you no longer need it.
Remember, to showcase your videos on Spotify, you must download them first and then upload them using the Spotify for Artists app. This will enable you to add the canvas to your music page on Spotify.