Managing Uploaded Audio Files
After uploading audio files into your Tuneform account, you can manage them using the following steps:
- Accessing the My Audio page: All uploaded audio files can be found on the "My Audio" page in the My Media section. Each file will be displayed with an image thumbnail (if available), file name, file type, duration, and upload date.
- Viewing audio file details: To get more information about an audio file, click "Show Details." This page allows you to perform various actions and set metadata for the audio file.
- Setting artwork: To select an image thumbnail or artwork for your audio file, click the "Select Artwork" button. A dialog will appear, allowing you to choose an image from your computer or from your account. After selecting an image, click "Save" to associate it with the audio file.
- Adding metadata: Enter values into the audio tags text inputs to add title, artist, and album metadata to your audio file. These values are optional but help in managing your audio files effectively.
- Accessing audio attributes: The audio attributes section provides details such as the original file name, file type, file size (in MB, KB, or GB), and audio duration. You can also download the uploaded audio file from this section.
- Deleting audio files: To delete an audio file, click the "Delete Audio" button. A confirmation dialog will appear. Note that deleting audio files is permanent and cannot be undone.