Managing Single Frame Music Videos

Once you have created single frame music videos on Tuneform, you can efficiently manage and perform actions on them. Here's a guide to managing your videos:

Viewing All Videos:

  • Access the page displaying all your single frame videos on Tuneform by going to "My Media" -> "Single Frame Videos"

Video Information:

  • In the video table, you will see thumbnails, styles, creation dates, and durations.
  • Click on the video thumbnail to view additional options, or click the "show details" button.

Style Details:

  • Clicking on the style name will take you to the specific style's creation page.
  • This allows you to navigate through the styles and templates that you've already used more easily.

Show Details:

  • Click "Show Details" to expand the video information.
  • This will provide the download link, template details, creation date, and dimensions.

Downloading Videos:

  • To download a video, click the provided download link.
  • Save the video to your desired location on your device.

Deleting Videos:

  • If you wish to delete a video, locate the delete button.
  • Clicking the delete button will prompt a confirmation dialog, at which point you can confirm or stop the action.
  • Be aware that deleting a video is permanent and cannot be recovered.