How To Reset/Change Your Tuneform Password
If you are already logged into your account follow these steps:
- Log into your account
- Click the "My Account" button in the toolbar on the top of the webpage
- Click "My Profile"
- Click "Change Password"
- Check your email and follow the instructions inside to complete the process
If you are unable to Log In:
If you have forgotten your password and cannot log into your account, you will be prompted with a "forgot password" button when you try to log in. Click through to the "Forgot Password" button, and enter the email address you used to sign up for your account on this page. An email will be sent with instructions to change your password. Once your password has successfully been reset, you can then use it to log back into your account. To protect the security & privacy of our users, a confirmation message will show even if the email address you entered is not registered, so make sure to use the email address you used to register your own account.